I am looking for a job as a groom.
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Hello friends of the horse, looking for a job with housing. I have 13 years of experience with horses. I can clean, feed, bring in and take out, do all the usual things in the stall. If there is an opportunity to ride horses, it would be great, but it is not necessary. I can handle young horses, stallions, brood mares and foals. I am a purposeful, reliable and open person, able to work in a team and alone. At the last place of work, experience in handling some machines has been accumulated, there are recommendations. I am looking for a job for 3 months, I am from Ukraine, my English is good. Looking forward to your reply! ☺️
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RB HORSES GmbH, Kreienberg 1226, 9248 Bichwil | Handelsregister des Kantons St.Gallen, CHE-320.4.091.297-8. Gesellschafter und Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung: Raphael Bogo, Bichwil.